178th UXvienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 8th of October 2019, 6:30pm at Accenture Future Camp

Börsegebäude, Schottenring 16, 1010 Wien (the Future Camp is located at the back side of the building as seen from the Ringstraße, on the ground floor). There will be signs 🙂

Due to limited seats, registration via meetup.com/UXvienna is required — and don’t forget to change your RSVP if you can no longer make it: people on the waitlist will thank you!

We will continue with our regular format – but we will start at 7pm on time with the talks:

6:30 pm: Arriving, welcome drinks
7pm–9pm: ~3 mini-talks, short slots (30 min) for each topic;
from 9pm: open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics

Sessions for this meetup:

  • Introducing Accenture Interactive by Markus Höfinger – Managing Director Accenture Interactive Österreich
  • Dual Track Agile – talk by Lisa Eilmsteiner (UX Designer @ Accenture Interactive Austria) & Tamina Knorr (Agile Coach @ Accenture SolutionsIQ).
  • Accessibility for native Apps – talk by Barbara Gundl / Upstream Mobility

We are always looking forward to welcoming new people at the meetup … so… looking forward to seeing you at Accenture.

Please note: photos will be taken during the event. Please contact the organizers if you have questions. 

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

Published by

Jörg Linder

User Experience consultant, web addict. working at digitalberatung.at . check my profile at about.me/joerg.linder

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