Jeff Patton

Ich bin soeben auf die Site von Jeff Patton gestoßen auf der dieser unter anderem auch Präsentationen seiner Vorträge zur Verfügung stellt.

Im Augenblick bin ich dabei mir User Experience Distilled (zipped pps) anzusehen und muss sagen, dass ich schwer beeindruckt bin. Sowohl inhaltlich als auch in punkto Aufbereitung und Praxisnähe ist dies meiner Meinung nach einer der besten Vorträge, die ich in letzter Zeit gesehen habe (strongly recommended):

“My take on Garrett’s popular Elements of User Experience model coupled with tactical advice for: creating models to better understand your users, improving your software’s usability, and improving your applications’ visual design.”

patton headshot small

Since 2000, Jeff Patton has championed the incorporation of User Centered Design thinking into traditional and Agile software development approaches. Through writing, teaching, speaking, and practice Jeff works to introduce developers, analysts, product managers, and others to simple techniques to help them incorporate UCD approaches into their day-to-day work practices. Jeff has found that incorporating user-centric thinking along with traditional requirements development and testing practices drives toward the ultimate goal of better software for end-users and more profitable software for those who pay for its design and development.

Jeff changed careers from technical sales management to return to software design and development in 1995. Since that time he’s designed and developed iteratively, closely collaborating with end-users of the software. In 2000 Jeff worked on his first Extreme Programming team and found that while there were lots of practices for developers to improve the quality of software engineering coupled with good advice for iterative development, the advice for those in the Customer role to help them determine what to build was thin. Since then Jeff has been working to understand how effective products are designed and built.
Jeff incorporates UCD approaches from Constantine & Lookwood’s Usage-Centered Design, Cooper’s Goal Directed Design, and Holtzblatt and Beyer’s Contextual Design with collaborative card modeling techniques and Agile development concepts to arrive at a highly collaborative form of User Centered Design that more easily meshes into a software development lifecycle.

Jeff has designed and lead teams for Tomax Technologies and Evant Solutions, both companies creating commercial products for retailers. Since 2004 Jeff has been a consultant with ThoughtWorks working in a wide variety of domains from healthcare to stock portfolio management. Within TW Jeff has help build the recognition of user-centric thinking as a critical success factor in their projects. This type of thinking has been “baked in” to ThoughtWorks QuickStart Analysis approach which Jeff helps train ThoughtWorkers to successfully engage in:

To help build awareness around the subject of Agile development, User Centered Design and usability, in 2004 Jeff started the Agile-Usability discussion group hosted by Yahoo Groups ( At over 1000 members, the group keeps a running dialog on the subject, and helps provide a starting point for those interested in getting help applying UCD and usability practices on Agile projects.

Jeff is currently at work on a forthcoming book on incorporating UCD thinking into Agile Development published by Addison-Wesley in Cockburn & Highsmith’s Agile Development series.

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Published by

Erhard Wimmer

Master of Desaster

2 thoughts on “Jeff Patton”

  1. Hi,
    finde eueren Blog klasse. Sehr gute Inhalte. Grüße aus Berlin.

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