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Month: July 2008
Video Prototyping
In a project from 1992 (!) called “STARFIRE A Vision of Future Computing“ the well know Interaction Designer Bruce Tognazzi “… launched a project at Sun Microsystems in an effort to both predict and guide the future of computing…
…The output of this effort was threefold:
- Starfire, the Movie, showing a day in the life of a knowledge worker in the far-off distant year, 2004.
- Starfire, the Book, entitled Tog on Software Design, which not only covers the film in intimate detail, but lays out several more equally thought-provoking scenarios developed during the initial phase of the project.
- Starfire, the Paper, originally published in CHI Proceedings, outlining the rules we followed in attempting to build a scientifically accurate video prototype…
(from: Unfortunately I couldn’t find an embedded version of the video but please enjoy it under the following link. It’s real fun, because some of the occurring things remind me on (meanwhile) existing apps like iChat,…
But again (like mentioned in Paper), I am fascinated about the opportunities of prototypes. In that case the video really gives you a clear imagination of “things” which do not exist yet. And this can definitely help e.g. collect feedback from users, or to get venture capital for a new product, … Technorati-Tags: bruce tognazzi, starfire, video prototyping
Contextual User Interfaces: Neuer Trend?
Auf ReadWriteWeb gibt’s einen interessanten Artikel zum Thema Contextual User Interfaces:
Strikingly, the recent wave of UI innovation is proving exactly the opposite. Users are not stupid, and in fact, they were overwhelmed with choices presented in traditional UIs. The new interfaces are winning people over because they are based on usage patterns instead of choices. The key thing about new UIs is that they are contextual – presenting the user with minimal components and then changing in reaction to user gestures. Thanks to Apple, we have seen a liberating movement towards simplistic, contextual interfaces. But can these UIs become the norm? In this post we take a look at the rise of the contextual UI and ponder if they will cross the chasm.
Sind diese User Interfaces aus eurer Sicht etwas Neues? Meiner Meinung nach gab es so etwas, zumindest ansatzweise, schon früher. In den Kommentaren wird ja auch auf den Aufgabenbereich von Microsoft Office 2003 verwiesen (im Screenshot rot markiert). Neu ist allerdings das Ausmaß der Reduktion von Interface Elementen. Office zeigt ja neben dem Aufgabenbereich auch alle anderen Menüs an und bietet so zwei verschiedene Zugänge an.
Direct Manipulation in Microsoft Word 2007 :
…what happens here?
I got that interesting picture in my netvibes a few minutes ago:
Job Offer: Interface Designer or senior usability consultant at USECON
USECON in vienna are searching usability specialists…. i got it pushed via email from monster. maybe anybody is interested:
PicLens 1.7
Das Browser-Add-on PicLens 1.7 kann jetzt gut mit Videos umgehen.
43. interaction design stammtisch
weil spanien fußball-eMeister ist gibt’s wieder einen interaction design stammtisch
dienstag, 8.7.2008 um 19:00 uhr
im werkzeugH, 1050 wien, schönbrunnerstr 61 [öffis: u4 pilgramgasse, 14a, 13a, 12a, 59a]
“bring’ 2 folien” hat bei den letzten stammtischen super funktioniert und darum: jede, die möchte, bringt 1-2 slides über das, was sie gerade im bereich interaction design, usability, … beschäftigt/interessiert mit … und stellt sie vor!
der interaction design stammtisch findet jeden monat am 2. dienstag statt. jede, die sich für die themen interaction design, usability, accessibility, user interface design, … interessiert, ist herzlich eingeladen
anmeldung ist keine notwendig
ps: nächstes mal gibt’s, wenn frau sonja dieses mal slides mitbringt, auch einen neuen reminder text — versprochen, aber nur dann
Infographics on Flickr
One of the best collections I’ve seen on flickr about infographics is the following:
“…Portfolio of some of my favorite works from my tenure as Lead Infographics Journalist at The San Diego Union-Tribune (1994-2006)…”, seems that this guy is a quite interesting source 🙂
and some more …