232nd UX Vienna Meetup – Onboarding Experiences

Tuesday, 9th of April 2024, 7:00pm (FH Technikum Wien)
Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna.

At the next meetup in April we meet at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (FH Technikum Wien) in Vienna. This time we will have two talks and both topics are related to customer onboarding experiences.

Onboarding Co-Experience at Erste Bank

Raphael Fehrer, UX-Architect @ Erste Digital
Over the past few years, customer advising has evolved from one-sided presentations by advisors to collaborative efforts with customers. However, this shift towards joint collaboration is often taken for granted and not explicitly addressed. In this talk, I will explore how we at Erste Bank are actively working to develop co-experience concepts for our customer onboarding process through extensive research, enhancing the way we engage and connect with our customers.

How fast can you fix a HealthTech onboarding experience? Spoiler: Fast!

Melita Balaski, Product Design Consultant
We all know what happens when users struggle to complete a process or, worse, abandon it altogether. Now imagine launching a complicated HealthTech onboarding experience without the essential steps of research, user testing, or thoughtful design. Through a real-world case study, discover how a lean team tackles a demanding relaunch timeline and implements actionable strategies rapidly to turn this frustrating user experience into a success.


University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (FH Technikum Wien)
Höchstädtplatz 6
1200 Wien
room: Raum HS F0.01 (Festsaal)


Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.