170. UXvienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 12th of February 2019, 7pm at Anyline: Zirkusgasse 13/2b, 1020 Wien

Due to limited seats, registration via meetup.com/UXvienna is required — and don’t forget to change your RSVP if you can no longer make it: people on the waitlist will thank you!

We will continue with our regular format:
7pm–9pm: short slots (30 min) for each topic;
from 9pm: open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics

mini-talks for this meeting:

  1. Peter Knobloch (Senior lecturer at the Institute of Design, Angewandte): »Promoting use cases & functionality within user interfaces« (slides)
  2. Ines Lindner @ixlonxy & Maya Vinson @SoMahaMaya (Lead & User Experience Consultants at Zühlke Group) on »The change (in the role?) of UX« (slides)
  3. Max Scheugl @scheugl on »Web Design at kununu.com«

moderated by Oliver Wana

We are always looking forward to welcoming new people at the stammtisch … so: looking forward to seeing you at Anyline.