We are happy to announce that we are partners for the push conference 2018, taking place in Munich in October. We will therefore be giving away a discount for everyone who wants to attend.
Use the code push18oykFjSHuxvienna when ordering a ticket and get 10% off the regular price!
We will also give away the following goodies at our next meetup on September 11th at A1 (watch uxvienna.at for an announcement during the next days):
- Lean UX: Designing Great Products with Agile Teams (Jeff Gothelf, Josh Seiden)
- 100 More Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Susan M. Weinschenk )
push conference 2018
For the 7th time now, more than 600 experience designers and creative technologists will meet this October in Munich at push conference to take a close look at all things interactive. As always, there will not just be talks and workshops but also a hands-on exhibition showcasing interactive projects from graduates and design studios all the way to companies like Bosch and BMW. And to continue the conversations during break time, there will be plenty easy going networking and side activities including a free Warmup night, Failure Slam and some more!
Highlights of this year
From Beautiful Maps to Actionable Insights
Shan He, who is a Senior Data Visualization Engineer at Uber, gives a glance at how her team creates live 3D data visualisation tools for the browser, that also help them understand their users and their business better.
Design in the Era of the Algorithm
What’s next is always the big question. Josh Clark will explore some of the possibilities to use machine-generated content, insight, and interaction as design material in everyday work. The challenges and opportunities of machine learning are plenty; learn to handle this powerful new design material with care and respect.
Creating a movement – How to make sure your ideas don’t die
As Design Tinkerer at Google, Adrian has experienced many times that good design and ideas don’t happen naturally. Adrian will share his recipe for how to transform the fragile idea of one person into a vision and a movement that unites and inspires a whole group to actually make things happen.
Experiment to innovate
Anders, Head of UX at Danish Broadcasting service, will show you how to escape tunnel vision and start focusing on building the right thing. The silver bullet is systematic and constant product testing. Anders will take the boring part out of testing and show you how easy it can be. He will reveal his playbook of cleverly thought out product experiments used by product builders at companies like Spotify, Booking.com, Facebook, Amazon, and Google and recommended by top universities like Havard, MIT, and Stanford.
Besides the talk you can also explore this topic deeper in his workshop on Oct. 18th.
And more
These talks are just a few of our 18 relevant and inspiring talks also covering
- Making Research Usable
- Embracing Friction
- Designing Anticipatory Experiences
- UI design outside the box – automotive and physical interfaces
- Animation in UI
A complete look at interactive design in 2018, really.
Munich calling
Join push conference on October 19–20 to connect to a keen and like-minded crowd of UX and IxD professionals from product teams like Mozilla, BMW or Bosch to visionary consultancies like frog, icon incar and IDEO as well as from aspiring startups.
Learn from a wide range of applied and visionary talks, acquire core skills in workshops and get inspired by a hands-on interactive exhibition while making new friends over delicious Bavarian beer and pretzels. Check out all the details at push-conference.com