Tuesday, 8th of January 2019, 7pm at Liechtenecker: Schloßgasse 14/2/25, 1050 Wien
Due to limited seats, registration via meetup.com/UXvienna is required — and don’t forget to change your RSVP if you can no longer make it: people on the waitlist will thank you!
We will continue with our regular format:
7pm–9pm: short slots (30 min) for each topic;
from 9pm: open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics …
mini-talks for this meeting:
- Marion Haidacher: Welcoming at Liechtenecker
- Natalia Sander & Maja Dika (UX/UI & Speculative Designers at Liechtenecker) on »Speculative Design — How thinking about the future of technology improves the UX of today« (slides)
- Björn @Ansimorph Ganslandt (Freelance Frontend Developer) on »Aligning Development & Design« (slides) ¬fyi
- your mini-talk?
we are happy to have two interesting talks (on #SpeculativeDesign and @Ansimorph on Aligning development & design) — anybody out there who wants to give the third #MiniTalk? could be a short presentation or discussion https://t.co/ICySDQtPUf — #UXvienna #meetup #SharingIsCaring
— UX Vienna (@UXvienna) 4. Januar 2019
We are always looking forward to welcoming new people at the stammtisch … so: looking forward to seeing you at Liechtenecker, Bernhard Ferro