Looking for a fulltime web design job in Vienna

Hi. I hope you don´t mind if I write this here, but I´m really desperate now. I´m a web designer with 6 years of experience, i worked for a huge web design companies in Prague, i did projects for clients like Miele, Universal Music, Peugeot, Rimmel or O2 Telefonica and I can´t find good job in Vienna! I´m trying it for a 3 months now, but without any good results. What´s wrong here???

Petr Pliska – www.creativeboi.com

4 thoughts on “Looking for a fulltime web design job in Vienna”

  1. Hi Petr. Keep on trying 🙂 … 3 month is not that long (for my opinion) to find a “really good” job. I’m sure you’ll be successfull, your references will speak for you.

    Did you try http://www.jobpilot.at, http://www.xing.com, and so on? http://www.knallgrau.at e.g. is looking for a webdeveloper: http://www.knallgrau.at/company/jobs/programmierung301007
    You can also join the next “Stammtisch”, which will be on February, 12th at the WerkzeugH, to meet some people.

    All the best.

  2. i think 3 months is too long for experienced designer…
    anyway, i´m in mailing list of Job rapido, also watching the jobs at Der Standart very often… well, i´m not developer, i´m just a designer. thanks for response.

  3. http://www.Mycitymate.com is looking for UI Designer.

    “…UI Engineer / Designer
    In dieser Rolle kannst Du Dein ganzes Wissen über Interface Design nutzen, um mit verschiedenen Tools die Interaktionsebene unserer neuen online und mobilen Features zu entwerfen. Mit DHTML, Ajax und Flash geht es dann für Dich darum, diese Designs umzusetzen.

    Notwendige Qualifikationen:
    – 2+ Jahre Erfahrung mit Graphic, Web und Interface Design
    – Kenntnisse über HCI Grundlagen
    – Exzellente DHTML und AJAX Fähigkeiten
    – Gut im Umgang mit Adobe, Illustrator, Photoshop und Flash
    – Erfahrung mit Widgets und Widget Plattformen von Vorteil
    – Teamfähigkeit
    – Gute Englischkenntnisse
    – Hohes Maß an Begeisterung, Neugier und Lernbereitschaft …”

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