Ei, ei, iPad

The best opportunity to follow Apple’s iPad presentation for me was via Liveblog (engadget) and Audiostream (businessinsider)

Summary: Ok, they call it iPad, and the description “iPhone on steroids” matches very well for my opinion 😉 It’s a multimedia device with brilliant quality on display and performance as it seems, using the same multitouch behavior used on the iPhone.

But what is the advantage to all the other “multimedia devices”, we already know but never succeed?

For my opinion it’s still itunes, where all these different medias are available, legally. For me the iPad is a transportable, kind of a multi media “shop” … and that’s cool I think 🙂 Which company else has this unbelieveable infrastructure of music, video, applications, books, … ? Answer yourself.

Looks really .. cute 🙂

And the price? The iPad starts at $ 499.- ! US: 14,99 $ for 250 MB and 29,99 $ for unlimited data. International deals by June. All iPads are unlocked!

“… Thinner and lighter than any netbook …”
I wonder how the keyboard will behave and work …

And it’s green, too 🙂

And the battery life? “…We’ve been able to achieve 10 hours of battery life. I can take a flight from San Francisco to Tokyo and watch video the whole time. And it has over a month of standby time….” Not bad.

And here are the apps … hmm … takes getting used to

Apps in fullscreen, seems better.

“… We think it’s going to be another gold rush for devs. And of course every iPad comes with the app store on it …”

Whow, not bad – Mark Hickey from Gameloft is showing some Gaming Apps.
And there is a new, special version from the NYT, created for the iPad.

Look at that nice navigation. Here on Brushes, a very popular iPhone app.

And here is iBooks

“… a lot of books in different bookstores …”

Look at that, really nice interface.

Uh … brilliant quality. Bye, bye Kindle 😉
And even iWork. Hmm, that’s interesting…

Page Navigator lets you jump through pages. Just drag your image and text reformats.

And the price? “…In the US carriers charge about $60 a month. We have a real breakthrough. Two awesome plans for iPad owners. The first one gives you 250MB of data a month for $14.99

The price models

Hihi, a dock for a keyboard

“… there’s already 75m people who know how to use this because of how many iPhones and iPod touches we’ve shipped …”

Published by

Erhard Wimmer

Master of Desaster