166. UXvienna evening meetup (formerly interaction design stammtisch)

tuesday, 9th of october 2018, 7pm at willhaben.at: landstraßer hauptstraße 97-101 (bürozentrum 1), 1030 wien due to limited seats, registration via meetup.com/UXvienna is required — and don’t forget to change your RSVP if you can no longer make it: people on the waitlist will thank you!

getting there (google maps, apple maps):

we will continue with our regular format:
7pm–9pm: short slots (30 min) for each topic;
from 9pm: open discussions, get-together, focusing on previous topics

mini-talks for this meeting:

  1. johannes burger and marina kleiner (UX researcher and UX/UI designer at willhaben.at) on “feed me”
  2. rosana báthoryová (UX designer at kistler) on “co-designing with users”
  3. bernhard ferro (service design lead at tieto austria) on the “Highlights of the UX Australia —> postponed to the 167. Meetup on 13.11.2018

we are always looking foward to welcoming new people at the stammtisch … so: looking forward to seeing you at willhaben, adrián bolonio

Published by

tom haberfellner

interaction designer (since 1996, then at peter purgathofers uid-lab of igw), working at GP designpartners, german UPA expert :-) who helped 2005 translate ixdg/ ixda.org into german (web-archived: https://bit.ly/ixda-de-translate)