Online Discussions & Q&A
- For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
- For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing
Our Agenda on Tuesday 11th of October
- 6:45pm: Welcome & CheckIn
- ~7:00 – Intro: Round of Introduction, Job offers & events
- ~7:30 – Talk “Gamification – Is it still a Thing?” & Fishbowl-discussion
- until 9pm: discussions & get-together …
Location & Registration
Due to limited seats, registration via meetup.com/UXvienna is required — and don’t forget to change your RSVP if you can no longer make it: people on the waitlist will thank you!
Cloudflight Office
Walcherstraße 1A, Stiege 3, 3. Stock
1020 Wien
Google Maps
Covid-Regulations: Please note that the 3G rule (PCR-tested, vaccinated or recovered) will be in effect for this event.
Please note: photos will be taken during the event. Please contact the organizers if you have questions.
PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.