223rd UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 11th of July 2023, 7:00pm (Vienna)

Poster for the 223rd UXvienna Meetup on July 11th at Sclable, 1910 Vienna

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna

UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year. This time we meet at Sclable.

Johannes Schauer / Tugyan Erturk:
“AI You Can Trust: Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Design”

At this UX Vienna Evening meetup Johannes & Tugyan will give a talk on “AI You Can Trust: Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Design”:

“As AI continues to shape our lives and drive technological advancements, it becomes crucial to establish a solid foundation built upon trust, ethics, and reliability. In this talk, we will explore what it takes to design trustworthy AI products seen as an ally rather than a source of uncertainty.”

Johannes Schauer / Tugyan Erturk


Marc-Aurel-Straße 10-12
1010 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

Published by

Jörg Linder

User Experience consultant, web addict. working at digitalberatung.at . check my profile at about.me/joerg.linder