Interactiondesign Summer School in Schweden…

Holá auch dieses Jahr ist es soweit – eine Convivio Summer School findet statt! Ich war letztes Jahr dabei, und kann es nur wärmstens empfehlen! Interessante und Innovative Interactiondesign Themen, Multidisziplinäre Teams (Industriedesigner, Grafikdesigner, Programmierer, Filmemacher, Fashiondesign, uvm…)

Bewerbunsdeadline ist 21. Mai…. (alle anderen Infos weiter unten)
Dear friends,
please be reminded to spread the word that

we arrange a Summer School in the Convivio tradition (Rome 2003,
Split 2004, Timisoara 2005, Edinburgh 2006)
with the title “Nurturing ideas in local communities”

in the beatiful area around Bollnäs, two hours north of Stockholm, in
Sweden, June 25 – July 6, 2007

with lectures in the morning and participants prioritising among five
two-week long ateliers in the afternoons:
A – Interaction design for democracy
B – How to give tourists a better and more enjoyable experience of
their visit at the zoo
C – Growth through Diversity
D – Facilitating nurturing of ideas
E – i-Generations – Nurturing Ideas in the Local Communities of Bollnäs

Expected participants: PhD students and Master students (in the last
years of their education) and professionals from the
whole of Europe and other parts of the world with background in, but
not limited to: design, computer science,
human-computer interaction, social and behavioural sciences,
political and economic sciences, communication sciences, arts

The school is heavily subsidised by local organisations and students
just have to pay accomodation (540€) and travel.

More detalis, application form etc, can be found on the website

Deadline for application is May 21, 2007.

THere will also be opportunities to take part in midsummer celebrations,
in the white days and nights of Swedish summer,

Yngve Sundblad, Riccardo Antonini and Hans Persson