UX Design Productivity from Google

via Swissmiss respectively changeorder.typepad.com.

“…Last Thursday, I attended a free session organized by SIGCHI, Puget Sound region at Google Seattle HQ. Jake Knapp, a very well-spoken user interface designer, entertained a packed house with a speech on 17 tactics that he uses for creating strong UX work in “the flood” of projects that pour through his UX department from month to month….”
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39. interaction design stammtisch am 11.3.2008

der nächste interaction design stammtisch findet am:

dienstag, 11.3.2008 um 19:00 uhr
im werkzeugH, 1050 wien, schönbrunnerstrasse 61, statt. [öffis: u4 pilgramgasse, 14a, 13a, 12a, 59a]

“bring 2 folien” hat bei den letzten stammtischen super funktioniert und darum: jeder der möchte bringt 1-2 slides über sachen, die ihn gerade im bereich interaction design, usability, … beschäftigen/interessieren mit, und stellt sie vor.

der interaction design stammtisch findet jeden monat am 2. dienstag statt. jeder der sich für die themen interaction design, usability, accessibility, user interface design, … interessiert ist herzlich eingeladen. anmeldung ist keine notwendig.

personas for all of us…

For all those people who work with personas … an interesting article to the topic. PDF from the Interactions Magazine.

“Personas are misused to maintain a “safe” distance from the people we design for, manifesting contempt over understanding, and creating the facade of user-centeredness while merely reinforcing who we want to be designing for and selling to.[…]If this is the best way we have to keep the organization focused on a “real” customer, then we have larger organizational problems that need to be addressed. With personas, we’re going down the wrong path. Rather than create distancing caricatures, tell stories.”