wireframes vs prototypes, world usability day and "bring 2 folien"

A short thing (discussion) about wireframes vs. prototypes.

And for those of you who are using OmniGraffle – here some stencils for wireframing. I think that sketchy stencil is a nice beginning for all those who are tired of using paper and pencil all the time 😛


Thanx Max for setting up the google doc for “word usability day 2009” in vienna. We don’t have any location yet for the first meeting on feb, 3rd. Has anybody of you some suggestions for a quite-beamer-internet-brainstorming-room?


Another thing: What’s with the suggestion of skipping “bring 2 folien” and replacing it with a  discussion of a video (TED talk, etc.) ? We can try it next time if it works…(therefore tom has to think about a new reminder-text, hehehe)

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