Tuesday, 14th of September 2021, 7:00pm online (CEST/Vienna time)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna – the URL for the online conference is available there.
We will continue with our regular format – we will start at 7pm on time with the talks.
Sessions for this meetup
- The values of UX: Algorithms as the new UX design material. Peter Purgathofer | Associate professor at the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics
When we design interactive systems, we often represent the interests of users in the overall process, from early design until the finished product. We focus on the needs of people who will work with the system, regard them in the design process, and enforce them in the implementation. Just as technology has become an inseparable part of society, I argue that we not only represent users in design, but all of humanity.
- Your mini-talk? Please contact us at hi@uxvienna.at!
Raffle: Tickets for Web Expo & uxcon vienna
We have two tickets to give away: One for the Web Expo (September 21st – 23rd, Prague, Czech Republic) and one for the uxcon vienna (October 21st & 22nd, Vienna).
How to win a ticket for Web Expo
The first participant that correctly answers the following question will win the ticket:
Which speaker of WebExpo 2021 will lead the talk “Design and Development considerations for Dual-Screen devices”?
We will only accept the answers submitted to the following email address before September 14th, 18:00 to the address hi@uxvienna.at.
We will announce the winner in the meeting.
You can also get 20% off the regular price by using the code uxvienna20

How to win a ticket for uxcon vienna
In order to win the free ticket to uxcon vienna, please answer the following question by mail to hi@uxvienna.at before September 14th, 18:00:
Who will host the UX Book Club at the uxcon vienna?
The first participant to get this right will win the ticket. As with the Web Expo ticket, the winner will be announced in the meetup next week.
Online Discussions & Q&A
- For questions please use sli.do: Event code #uxvienna (direct link)
- For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
- For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing
Hope to see you all in the remote world.
Google Meet provided by Digitalberatung.
PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.