Tuesday, 10th of August 2021, 7:00pm online (CEST/Vienna time)

Next week is a special meetup – our 200th UX Vienne Evening Meetup is taking place. Still online and remote but we want to celebrate together.
We will look back on the last years and reflect on how the industry and our meetup evolved and together we will discuss what the future will bring in the field of UX/IXD.
Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna – the URL for the online conference is available there.
Online Discussions & Notes
- For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
- For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing
Hope to see you all in the remote world.
Zoom provided by TechTalk.
PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.