Sign 09 Anfang Dezember in Wien

The Sign Design Awards are organised by the Sign Design Society, based in the UK. The 2009 competition saw a record entry from across the world and presentations to the winners took place on October 22nd in London. An exhibition of some 40 or more of the best entries will be held at the Building Centre in London between 2nd and 14th November

In December (03.12.-11.12.2009), the exhibition will move to Vienna where, with the support of the Society, the International Institute for Information Design IIID will hold a series of seminars under the banner of ‘Sign 09’.

Sign09 will be the first event of its kind to be held. It is a joint Austro-British enterprise and the organisers anticipate active engagement from designers, architects and manufacturers with the support from the British Council, the British Embassy in Vienna and the Austro British Chamber.

Microsoft: MiX Essentials

Die MiX Essentials bietet Ihnen am 19. Mai die Möglichkeit eines Einblicks in die Strategie von Microsoft rund um User Experience und Webentwicklung. Lernen Sie dabei von internationalen und österreichischen Vortragenden die Anwendung neuester Technologien wie Silverlight 2.0, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) oder ASP.NET 3.5 kennen.

Interessant sind dabei vorallem die Speaker Los Reyes aus dem Surface Team und Rémy Pairault von Windows Live.

Microsoft: User Experience for Software Architects

Microsoft veranstalter am 17. April 14.00-18.00 im Management Club auf der Kärntner Strasse das 24. Architect Forum. Das Thema dieses Forums wird “User Experience for Software Architects – Getting the Bigger Picture” sein und als Voragender haben Sie Christof Sprenger vom Microsoft Architecture Strategy Team aus Redmond eingeladen. Einen Vortrag von Christof Sprenger von der ReMIX07 gibt es auch online. Details zur Anmeldung, Programm und Abstract des Vortrags findet ihr auf dem MSDN Austria Blog.

Der teuerste Button der Welt

The ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button on Google’s search page may cost the company up to $110 million in lost ad revenue every year according to a report on American Public Media’s Marketplace. Tom Chavez says that since the company makes money selling ads on its search results page, the 1% of users who use the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button never see Google’s ads – the button automatically directs them to their first search result. So why does Google keep the button? Marisa Mayer, Google’s vice president responsible for everything on the search page, says that ‘it’s possible just to become too dry, too corporate, too much about making money’ and the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky,’ button reminds you that ‘people here have personality.’ Web usability expert Jacob Nielsen says the whimsy serves another business purpose: ‘Oh we’re just two kind of grad students hanging out and having a beer and having a grand old time,’ not you know, ‘We are 16,000 people working on undermining your privacy.


Microsoft European Designer Tour in Wien

Microsoft Österreich veranstaltet kommenden MO 8. Oktober ab 13.00 in Wien ein Design Event (Anmeldung).


Digitales Design von morgen.
Erleben Sie mit Microsoft schon heute die Zukunft des digitalen Designs.

Webdesign und User Experience perfekt vereint zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis. Erfahren Sie mehr über das neue Expression Studio und die Microsoft Design Produkte.

ab 12:30 Uhr Check-In & Welcome
13:00 – 13:10 Introduction (Florent Pajani)
13:10 – 13:55 Uhr No limits! Has the future of digital design already begun? (Surya Vanka)
13:55 – 14:55 Uhr Mission accomplished: Designing Rich Client Experiences! (Martin Tirion)
14:55 – 15:30 Uhr Pause
15:30 – 16:00 Uhr Overhyped and Undervalued (Philippe Deltenre)
16:00 – 16:30 Uhr Social Media Experience mit Silverlight (Gregor Letofsky)
ab 16:30 Uhr Socializing und Buffet