230th UX Vienna Meetup: Ethics in UX Design & AI-powered UX Design Tools

Tuesday, 13th of February 2024, 7:00pm (Eversports)
Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna.

Teaser Bild with Talk-Titles "Ethics in UX Design" and "AI-Powered UX Design  Tools"

At the next meetup in February we meet at Eversports in Vienna with two interesting talks.

Ethics in UX Design

by Amirhossein Shamlou – Head of Product Design, Eversports
In the realm of User Experience (UX) Design, where aesthetics meet user functionality, ethical considerations play a crucial role. This presentation addresses the balance between creating engaging digital experiences and maintaining ethical integrity. We’ll explore key issues like privacy, accessibility, and inclusivity, and discuss the impact of design choices on users. Our focus is to highlight the importance of ethical practices in UX design, ensuring that digital products are not only effective but also responsible and user-friendly.

AI-powered UX Design Tools

by Tom Zahler – Co-founder and Managing Director, intuio GmbH
AI has come to change the landscape of design tools for UX professionals. Let’s examine a few of those tools a bit more closely, and see how advanced their use of AI already is in their products. Are they really useful for the task of designing interfaces and interactions? Some promise to come up with entire designs based only on a text prompt, or to convert a screenshot into an editable design. Many are still in Beta or offer access via a waitlist only. How does Midjourney fare as a user interface designer? Can it help with creating UI component libraries for design systems? How about Framer as a copywriting assistant? You will get a better understanding of the possible impact and developments that will change our field with the adoption of these new technologies.


Jakov-Lind-Straße 13,
1020 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

229th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 9th of January 2024, 7:00pm (Moonshiner)

Poster announcing the 229th UXvienna Meetup at Moonshiner on January 9th 2024.

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna.

At the next meetup in January we meet at Moonshiner in Vienna with two interesting talks.

Setting up a design system project

by Orsolya Fülöp and Daniel Pillinger

The setup process is a pivotal stage in crafting a cohesive design system. It begins with evaluating existing design elements, followed by collaborative definition of core principles. Implementation involves creating reusable components and patterns. Our systematic approach establishes a foundation for consistency, efficiency, and collaboration in design and development.

Labelling The Web

by Nicolas Bernadowitsch, Senior UX Designer, Accenture Song

Sometimes we forget to add labels to user interface elements. How does that happen and why is it a problem? Is it even necessary? Let’s talk about accessible names and labelling the web.


Moonshiner GmbH
Donau-City-Straße 1
Tech Gate, 6. OG
1220 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

228th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 12th of December 2023, 7:00pm (Liechtenecker)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna.

At the next meetup in December we meet at Liechtenecker in Vienna with two interesting talks.

UX writing: How to advocate for clarity in digital bureaucracy

by Dominik Vaszily, Content Designer, Lighting Beetle*

The digital transformation of a prestigious public institution serving hundreds of millions of people presents unique challenges. How do you keep the content clear and consistent despite its legal complexities? Dominik will share his experience implementing a user-centric approach at the European Patent Office, unifying expert terminology for diverse user groups and digital tools. Ultimately, it’s about making public services accessible to everyone.

Making the business value of design visible

by Marion Haidacher, Head of Account Management at Liechtenecker

Let’s talk numbers baby! But how? UX-Design is only about making things “pretty“, right? So wrong. Because if you ask us, design is so much more and contributes significantly to the achievement of corporate goals. In this talk, we will give you useful tips on how you can communicate this within your company or in front of your customers.


Liechtenecker UX Design Studio
Schlossgasse 14/2/25 & 27
1050 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

227th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 14th of November 2023, 7:00pm (Erste Digital, Vienna)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna – just if you are registered before Monday 13th 10am you can join the meetup.

UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year. This time we meet at Erste Digital.

Pebbles move,​ boulders don‘t – implementing usability test findings successfully in a complex scrum project setup (Johanna Schauerhofer & Michael Bechinie)

Usability testing is one of the most important user-based methods in the human-centred design process to optimize the user experience. In our talk we will share our experience of implementing continuous incorporation of the results of user-based evaluation methods. The learnings will focus on a large-scale scrum project in the context of a financial business application. We will discuss the evolutionary steps of our approach with the goal to ensure the highest possible implementation rate of usability test findings.

An alien goes UX meetup or: how to overcome the user obsession problem (Wolfgang Goebl)

I  (an IT guy) – have worked with UX professionals on many implementation projects. I appreciate their user obsession, reflected in every UX design they want to have implemented by software developers. In stark contrast, however, I’ve seen too many projects where the UX designs were, at best, just good initial input. In those projects, the actual UX design & implementation was done by software developers.    

Asking ChatGPT “What criticism is there of UX Design?” leads to some validation of my observations: “The UX discipline neglects other aspects of design, such as technical feasibility, economic profitability or social responsibility. UX focuses mainly on the usage phase of the product or service, without considering the impacts on other phases of the realisation”.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to increase the impact of UX by setting up a true co-design process of UX, implementation, and other relevant aspects of realisation in a seamless approach?

In this talk I will cover topics like:

  • how to design user experiences as part of a more holistic enterprise design approach
  • how to smash down the walls between UX and software architecture to enable a true co-design approach
  • how the facet of “experience” should be complemented by “architecture” and “identity” to create better enterprises?


Erste Group at Erste Campus
Main Entrance at “Am Belvedere 1”
1100 Wien

How to find the entrance:

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

223rd UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 11th of July 2023, 7:00pm (Vienna)

Poster for the 223rd UXvienna Meetup on July 11th at Sclable, 1910 Vienna

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna

UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year. This time we meet at Sclable.

Johannes Schauer / Tugyan Erturk:
“AI You Can Trust: Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Design”

At this UX Vienna Evening meetup Johannes & Tugyan will give a talk on “AI You Can Trust: Ensuring Reliability and Ethical Design”:

“As AI continues to shape our lives and drive technological advancements, it becomes crucial to establish a solid foundation built upon trust, ethics, and reliability. In this talk, we will explore what it takes to design trustworthy AI products seen as an ally rather than a source of uncertainty.”

Johannes Schauer / Tugyan Erturk


Marc-Aurel-Straße 10-12
1010 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

221th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 9th of May 2023, 7:00pm (Vienna)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna

UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year. This time we meet at UNIQA.

Sonja Bobrowska – “UX Research for Product Strategy

At this UX Vienna Evening meetup Sonja Bobrowska will give a talk on “UX Research for Product Strategy“:

“In this talk, I will discuss our approach to using UX research to inform the development of a product strategy for an insurance self-service portal. I will cover how we applied both qualitative and quantitative research methods, and how we used the Jobs to be Done framework to tie our findings together and guide our decision-making.”

Sonja Bobrowska


Untere Donaustraße 21
1020 Wien

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

220th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 11th of April 2023, 7:00pm (Vienna)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna

UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year. This time we meet at FH Technikum Wien and we will have three very intersting talks

Our Agenda on Tuesday 11th of April

  • 6:45pm: Welcome & CheckIn at FH Technikum Wien
  • ~7:00 Intro: Round of Introduction, Job offers & events
  • Saskia Huemer about “(How) Can we incorporate accessibility during UX Prototyping?” (EN)
  • Victoria Brödl about “UX Consulting: From Challenges to Chances” (EN)
  • Petra Morawa Zechner about “Green UX” (in German)
  • afterwards get-together …


FH Technikum Wien / University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Höchstädtplatz 6, 1220 Wien
You can find us in room F0.02

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

219th UX Vienna Evening Meetup

Tuesday, 14th of March 2023, 7:00pm (CEST/Vienna time)

Poster anncouncing the 219th UX Vienna Meetup on March 14th at Alpenmilchzentrale. Photo of Florian Bauer who will talk about the ultimate 2023 guide of creating websites like it's 2002

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna

Our Agenda on Tuesday 14th of March

  • 6:45pm: Welcome & CheckIn
  • ~7:00 – Intro: Round of Introduction, Job offers & events
  • ~7:30 – Talk “The ultimate 2023 Guide of Creating Websites like it’s 2002” (Florian Bauer)
  • until 9pm: discussions & get-together …


Weyringergasse 36
1040 Wien

(there will be signs …)

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.

Does form follow function? Mag. Bernd Remsing führt durch das Möbelmuseum Wien

This event is in German language.

Spezialführung durch das Möbelmuseum Wien für Designerinnen, Designer und Designinteressierte. Eintritt plus Spezialführung: €15,50

Gutes Design entsteht im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kunst und Handwerk, zwischen skulpturalem und pragmatischem Anspruch, zwischen der Arbeit für die Sinne und den Notwendigkeiten des Gebrauchs.

Die Führung “Does form follow function?” zeigt anhand einer Auswahl aus den ca. 5.000 Exponaten des Möbelmuseums Wien, wie sich von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart die Gestaltungsprinzipien zwischen den Polen Repräsentation und Funktion bewegten.

Besprochen werden Beispiele von funktionswidriger Erhöhung bis zu degradierender Nützlichkeit, so etwa ein purpurbeschlagener Leibstuhl in Form eines Thronsessels oder ein zusammenklappbarer Reise-Thron. Irgendwo zwischen diesen kuriosen Extremen muss sie liegen – die goldene Mitte des guten Designs.

Das Möbelmuseum ist eines der weltweit größten Museen für Wohnkultur. Die Spezial-Führung wird von Mag. Bernd Remsing gehalten.



This event is in German language. Questions in English are possible.

Special guided tour “Does form follow function?”.

Good design is created in the field of tension between art and craft, between sculptural and pragmatic demands, between work for the senses and the necessities of use.

The guided tour “Does form follow function?” uses a selection from the approximately 5,000 exhibits in the Furniture Collection Vienna to show how, from the past to the present, design principles have moved between the poles of representation and function.

Examples are discussed ranging from non-functional elevation to degrading usefulness, such as a purple-trimmed personal chair in the form of a throne chair or a foldable travel throne.

Somewhere between these curious extremes must lie the golden mean of good design.

The Furniture Museum is one of the world’s largest museums of home decor. The special guided tour will be held by Mag. Bernd Remsing.


Rückblick auf die UX-Spezialführung im Möbelmuseum Wien

217th UX Vienna Evening Meetup – Bring 2 Slides (online)

Tuesday, 10th of January 2023, 7:00pm online (CEST/Vienna time)

Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna – the URL for the online conference is available there.

Meetup Format – Bring 2 Slides

Everyone is invited to bring “2 slides” around a topic that is currently on their mind – job related, about a book or article, or something else. “2 slides” doesn’t have to be taken literally, just share your topic with us.

Online Discussions & Q&A

  • For discussions we provide our slack channel as well – please write to hi@uxvienna.at and you will get an invitation.
  • For sharing job offers, taking notes and sharing links you can always use our collaborative pad – uxvienna.at/ongoing

Hope to see you all in the remote world.

Google Meet provided by Digitalberatung.

PS: If you have any questions — reach out to us via hi@uxvienna.at or Twitter @uxvienna.