I’ve uploaded the slides to my talk at the Interaction Design-Stammtisch last week to slideshare. You can find them here:
Tag: interaction design
Evolaris sucht einen Interaction Designer
Die evolaris next level GmbH ermöglicht als führende Forschungseinrichtung Unternehmen den gewinnbringenden Einstieg in mobile Kommunikationswelten mit ihren Kunden.
Zur Verstärkung unseres Interaction Design Teams am Standort Graz suchen wir eine(n)
Senior Interface Designer(in)
Bin gerade über eine Ö1-Sendung zum Thema inclusive Design auf ein spannendes Projekt im 12. Bezirk gestoßen:
Plattform für Inclusive Design • Raum für sinn-volle Gestaltung • Werkstatt für Interaktion und Benutzbarkeit • “Living Lab”
Mitten im 12. Bezirk gelegen, nicht weit von U-Bahn und Bahnhof Meidling, ist die benutz-bar ein Raum, der für alle Themen rund um Inclusive Design zur Verfügung steht. Gegründet von einer Informations- und einer Interaktionsdesignerin beheimatet die benutz-bar unter anderem den Verein design for all.
Als barrierefrei zugänglicher Ausstellungs- und Workshopraum kann die benutz-bar auch angemietet werden.
The Fun Theory – changing behaviour through fun
Sehr nette Idee:
This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or something entirely different, just so long as it’s change for the better.
Hier ein Beispiel:
Many of us return our plastic bottles and cans. Noticeably fewer recycle their glass. Maybe that’s because we don’t get any money in return, as we do for cans and plastic. Can we change this attitude by making recycling glass fun to do? So you are not just rewarded with a good conscience, you also get a smile. See the results here.
How to sketch transitions
During our last Stammtisch I came up with an example of a transition I sketched for one of the projects I’m involved in right now (it’s a web application). The transition consists of a list of items that folds up slowly when a certain link on the page is clicked. You can see a demo of this effect on the Scriptaculous Wiki.
I had two questions regarding that transition. First I wanted to know if it was wise to use a transition at all (there are other ways to solve my problem). I don’t want to go further into this right here because I got the response that yes, the transition would serve a good purpose in my design.
But instead I want to continue to discuss my second question: What is the best way to demo these kinds of animations (or: all kinds of animations). I came up with several possible techniques, but none of them is without flaws … Continue reading How to sketch transitions